Total Time
1 minute
Acetone Spray Time
20 seconds
Isopropyl Alcohol Rinse Time
10 seconds
Nitrogen Blow Dry Time
10 seconds
Stripping removes all photoresist from a chip. This is typically done after an etch step is completed, though it can also be used to remove resist before etching if you need to redo patterning.
Fume Hood with Sink
N2 gun
Chip with photoresist
Spray the entire chip with acetone
Rinse with IPA
IPA must always be used after acetone to remove any acetone residue
Dry with nitrogen gun until the surface is entirely dry
This requires you to blow dry the back of the chip as well. Surface tension tends to pull the liquid towards the back
Be sure to spray the chip over a sink. Do not use near source of high heat.