What was accomplished:
Finished designing the peristatic pump, and got the 27:1 gear motor attached to the mechanism
Researched syringe pump method as an alternative option in case the peristatic pump wouldn't work. Designed several diagrams, but before reaching CAD phase, found a lot of critical drawbacks that convinced me to use the peristatic pump instead(including linear actuators that require built in encoders)
Start working on PPT for the presentation on tuesday
3d printed parts for the pump(may be accurate, but should have initially been designed to account for clearance holes for drilling through)
Finding the right material for syringe pump(a glass syringe would be optimal to handle all the liquids required, but the larger models do not have built in syringe needles, so a glass syringe + recyclable needle with luer locks was thought out)
Finalize PPT for tuesday
Help Advaith move the pump mechanisms into the overall assembly, as well as implementing other components(Im not sure how the spin coater is going to look like)