This is the project page for a lithography system based on repurposing Blu-Ray drives. The initial goal is to reach a feature size of at least 500nm (2x the Blu-ray laser spot size). As a stretch goal, we would like to also use the sled and spindle motors as high speed nano-positioners and to spin coat and cure photo-resin.
Right now, the first project for this technology (Lithography Spinner V1) is in the research/idea stage. See work in progress page for details on upcoming tasks if you want to contribute.
The Lithography Spinner V1 plans to use the Blu-Ray disc assembly from a Play Station 5 (KEM-497AAA) to drive the whole system. They are readily available and can be found for $30-$70 in most places.
Typically a single IC is used to drive these modules but most vendors wont sell chips to individuals. So the plan is to design a discrete controller board to manage all the HW and write our own controller SW.
The SW needed for this project can be broken down into the following subsections.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing software translates a 3D design into G-code instructions that a CNC machine (in this case laser burner) can understand, essentially "slicing" the design into smaller, machinable steps.
This SW takes a file with the desired mask (Pattern Capture Output) as an input and translates it into a set of machine instructions.
This software runs on the micro-controller that drives all the HW. It is responsible for taking sensor inputs and driving all output motors and lasers. This device also has an interface which can transmit all the data to/from the user.
This software is responsible for general control of the laser burner from the PC side.
This SW is responsible for the user facing interface which gives the user full control of the burner.
KEM-497AAA Pin Out Analysis
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Possible STED Architecture Diagram of BSM. The fluorescence signal passes through multimode fiber B7 and is collimated by collimator lens B8 and narrowband emission filter B9. D1, laser diode; D2, beam splitter; D3, collimator lens; D4, dichroic filter; D5, photodiode; D6, objective lens (NA: 0.6); D7, Al-coated address pattern; B1, blue laser diode; B2, B3, beam splitters; B4, collimator lens; B5, dichroic filter; B6, 4.34 mm focal lens; B10, objective lens (NA: 0.85); B11, lens holder. B12, cover glass; B13, collimator astigmatic plate; B14, photodetector. (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6066758/)