My weekly updates on the development of NG - a next-generation one-stop online platform for Hacker Fab.
Proposal was a approved in class. I got some valuable suggestions from my teammates.
Discussed how the interface between my website and Eric's hardware controlling system should look like.
Domain was registered and has the root DNS configured.
AWS server is up and running.
Nginx with RTMP service (for potential live-stream applications) was compiled and installed.
MySQL (for non-volatile data) and Redis (for volatile data and MQ purpose) was installed.
Docker was installed.
Python 3.9 was installed.
phpMyAdmin database web management panel was configured.
Automatic scheduled data backup was configured.
SFTP sync is working on my laptop. Development start now.
HTTPS is working. Support up to TLSv1.3.
ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) is running. Certificates for TLS/SSL will be renewed automatically on a monthly basis. Certificates are issued with multi-domain SAN.
Nginx reverse proxy is working. Support HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and experimentally HTTP/3 (QUIC).
Tested a basic Flask "Hello World" app successfully. Gunicorn WSGI middleware is working great.
Good to hear that the setup worked out. I would love to take a look at the automatic scheduled data backup pipeline, the MyAdmin data management panel, and the ACME setup. I would also like to better understand the Gnunicorn middleware when we next meet (I have not used it before). Looks like you are on track. Keep updating here and as always, feel free to reach out with questions. P.S. for the future, I would suggest adding new updates to the top of this file, that way you don't have to scroll down to add a new update, and I don't have to scroll to read the latest stuff :)