The SOG from Filmtronics found here, has a shelf life of around 3 months when stored at room temperature. For this reason, the bulk SOG bottle must be kept in the fridge at around 32-40 F in order to extend its shelf life. Exposure to air and/or heat can cause some of the SOG vapors to harden. If this happens, flakes of SiO2 may form and contaminate the liquid solution.
Store bulk SOG in fridge (32-40F)
Shelf life of bulk is 3 months at room temperature
Use a small plastic container (insert pic) to store a small amount ( < 10 ml) of SOG. Label the container as “700B” (undoped) or “P504” (dopant) and label the date that it was transferred from the bulk supply.
Store this bottle of SOG at room temperature under the fume hood where SOG spin coating and annealing is performed.
Allow the SOG to come to room temperature prior to use
Filmtroonics recommends to allow the SOG to come to room temperature for 24 hours but this can be shortened to just a few hours if < 5 ml of SOG is in the bottle
Ensure the SOG has come to room temperature
Check the bottle’s date. If the SOG was transferred from the bulk supply more than a week prior, it is likely necessary to prepare a new bottle of SOG
Regardless of the date on the bottle, open the bottle to check if any crust has formed near the top of the bottle. If there is any visible crust from hardened SOG, it is necessary to prepare a new bottle of SOG
The crust formed can get into the liquid SOG applied before spin coating and ruin the SOG coating
Example of crusted SOG from a bottle that has been used for too long