Gongwei Wang's updates

My name is Gongwei and I will be working on the EDA device modeling this semester

Weekly Update #0

Created GitBook page.

Weekly Update #1

  1. What was accomplished:

    1. Did preliminary research into Skywater SKY130 PDK, OpenLane, SPICE modeling software.

  2. Roadblocks:

    1. No roadblocks at the moment.

  3. Plans for the week:

    1. Extracting various preliminary MOSFET parameters for SPICE simulation (such as g_m, lambda, Vth) from some I-V, C-V graphs plotted in the previous semester from Icey.

Weekly Update #2

  1. What was accomplished:

    1. Communicated with Wentao for his NMOS and SRAM I-V data from the previous semester.

    2. Confirmed that we need to collect more data due to the limitations of the existing I-V data points.

    3. Wrote up a plan of equations and different methods of extracting Vth, and lambda.

  2. Roadblocks:

    1. No roadblocks at the moment.

  3. Plans for the week:

    1. Collaborate with Ying to: classify accuracy levels for device parameter extraction and attempt extraction on existing chip 613

    2. Collect more data on Chip 613, most likely using the probe station under a larger range of Vds and Vgs

    3. Continue writeup on the parameter extraction doc of equations and different methods of extracting gm, lambda (Vth is ok).

Last updated