Adwoa Asare

I am in Lab Automation working on liquid handling and automated dicer.

Update 0


  • Researched pinch valves for new system design and suggested to the team.

  • Looked into high torque motors and stepper motors with gearboxes so I can increase the torque being applied on the peristaltic pump.

  • Chose a new motor to order to revamp the system.


  • None. I just to need to order parts.


  • I will update the peristaltic pump 3d model to be compatible with a stepper motor that has a gear box attached.

  • I will order a stepper motor that has a gear box.

  • I will work on code for making the stepper motor move more smoothly.

Update 1

Our project objective has changed to a single integrated design for spin coater and heating since last week. I still am working on liquid handling, but Matthew is doing the On-shape CAD for the pump instead.


  • Researched fittings & valves that work with our chemicals.

    • Polypropylene will work for most of our chemicals. It is very compatible with HMDS, Acetone, IPA, AZ P4210 (Photoresist). It is likely also compatible with Spin-on-glass 700B and P504 based on their compositions.

    • There are fully polypropylene valves we can use and just attach an actuator to instead of making our own valves and I think we should pursue this if it will take up less space.

  • Ordered a stepper motor with gear box and the appropriate components to drive and power it.

  • Worked on stepper code.


  • I am waiting for the parts I ordered to arrive.


  • Meet up with Matthew and 3D print the peristaltic pump CAD from On-shape.

  • Test pump functions.

  • Look into how we can order the fittings and valves.

Last updated