Marta Freitas
Weekly Updates for CMOS Process Dev - Metal-Si Contacts Project
Weekly Update #0 (Jan 18)
Accomplished this week
Familiarized myself with the project, by reading the project primer and F24 documentation to assess what has been completed and what are the next steps. Had the initial group meeting with the team and was presented with two problems to be tackled this semester. Performed a literature review on both problems, including the suggested reading "Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits" (chapters 1, 4, 5, 6). Achieved a satisfactory comprehension of both problems and became inclined toward one of them.
The major challenge was getting familiarized with new concepts. No roadblocks at the time.
Plans for next week
Determine the problem to tackle. Define a concrete plan and write the project proposal.
Weekly Update #1 (Jan 26)
Accomplished this week
Determined that I am going to be working on the metal contacts problem. Performed a literature review to better understand it. Reviewed previous documentation to assess the current state of the problem in the lab and determine what will be my first steps. Came up with a plan and wrote the proposal.
No roadblocks at the time.
Plans for next week
Will have the first training in the lab with the team. Will receive feedback from the project proposal and define concrete first steps and determine what changes need to be made to the initial plan.
Weekly Update #2 (Feb 2)
Accomplished this week:
Completed all the training that was needed to start fabrication.
Created Fabublox process for baseline testing (
Created Fabublox process for annealing testing (
Created Fabublox process for Ni contacts testing (
Defined the parameters to be extracted from IV and CV measurements (
Started the chip fabrication for baseline testing following my Fabublox process flow
Fabrication this week could have been better. Started with 3 chips but lost 2 in the spin coater. Decided to take this first fabrication to the end with only the remaining chip. I would say my major challenge is getting accustomed to the equipment and processes.
Plans for next week:
In terms of fabrication, my plan is to have at least 3 viable chips ready for baseline measurements
If everything goes well with the fabrication, the plan is also to start making some measurements with TLM and extract valuable parameters
In parallel, I would like to start doing some research on possible differences in metal-Si contact behavior for both p type and n type Si and assess the viability of introducing these in further testings
Great work this week!
The spin coater can be difficult to work with. In the past I have tried ensuring that photoresist is prohibiting the vacuum or that the o-rings are clean. Another, parameter that affects its effectiveness is the size of the chip- try to keep your chips to 1 cm^2 so that they stay on. Additionally, you can try using double sided tape.
Where are you in the fabrication process for your baseline chip? Are you varying any parameters between your three baseline chips (cleaning process, dopant concentration, etc.)? If you are varying any parameters I would make sure to deposit the aluminum at the same time on all three chips if you haven't already deposited.
If you want you can attempt to perform a baseline p-type chip using B154. The Filmtronics Data Sheet provides good detail about junction depth/sheet resistance for their B154 SOG, which makes it easy to gauge the carrier concentration.
Last updated