Haewon Uhm
Haewon's weekly updates for the ALD and SOG.
Last updated
Haewon's weekly updates for the ALD and SOG.
Last updated
Completed the project proposal and went over it with the TAs
Set up the reflux apparatus in the acid fume hood (SOG)
Decided to start with replicating the ProjectsInFlight formulation with later tests of catalysts, altering the ratios of ethanol, phosphoric acid, and boric acid (SOG)
Learned in greater detail the systems involved with the ALD controls (ALD)
Still having trouble downloading LabVIEW onto my computer
Will probably need assistance from Viswesh
Future Plans
Solidify the plans for SOG and get more acclimated to the lab overall
Do more research on the chemicals involved, narrowing down the many possibilities of failure (especially the boric acid)
Download LabVIEW and start learning how to use the system
Gain access to the LabVIEW for the ALD
Ordered 95% ethanol that is needed to replicate the ProjectsInFlight formula
To start testing, decided to use isopropyl alcohol as an ethanol replacement
Looked into the Filmtronics ingredient list for 700B and found it possible to test ratios in the future
Realized we did not order ethanol, which is a key ingredient in the ProjectsInFlight video, so I have to wait until that comes in
Already resolved with Jay and Daniel
Future Plans
Start testing the formulation of the p-doped spin-on glass using TEOS or TMOS, water, isopropyl alcohol, and phosphoric acid (ratios based on the video)
Might not work due to the less polar nature of IPA than ethanol and therefore not provide the emulsification that is needed for the water and TEOS/TMOS
Got more adapted to LabVIEW and was introduced to the ALD valve and heating element control systems on my computer
Used a YouTube video to try and connect the MC DAQ to LabVIEW directly
Couldn't directly download the LabVIEW file from the GitHub due to the different version that is available for Mac versus Windows
Resolved with Viswesh
Future Plans
Continue to try and connect the MC DAQ to LabVIEW
If that does not work, make Python code that will alternatively do the job