The Hacker Fab database was built on the Django framework using Python, with HTML and CSS serving as the front-end. The code in this Github repository. The purpose of the database is to store data related to chip fabrication in our labs and use the results to refine our process parameters. It is crucial that we maintain a comprehensive and functional data store in order to develop new processes and to help new Hacker Fabs begin fabrication.
The database was created in Spring 2024 with the ability to create new chips, add process parameters to each chip, and query back results from the database. The front-end had simple styling, although they were not reflected in the production website due to issues with certification. The motivation for our improvements in Fall 2024 was increasing the intuitive usability of the website, as well as adding more functionality for the user. hi
Design Choices
Web Hosting Platform
The website hosting options up for consideration were Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. AWS was ultimately chosen because it had the longest free period and we had the most experience working with it. We use EC2 because it has the most flexible options and high availability in many geographic regions. The website is not very compute-heavy, so we chose a small instance to keep costs down.
Model/Schema Changes
The code has a model-view-controller (MVC) structure. Each fabrication process is described as a model (in, with each field representing a process parameter or documentation artifact. This translates to each process being stored as a separate table within the database. This semester, the models were updated to constrain parameters to specific data types in order to maintain consistency and correctness in the database. For instance, temperature was stored as a decimal value, duration as a positive integer, and material type as a string. Some models and fields were renamed as well in order to clarify their meaning. We worked closely with the process development teams to understand which fields should be included or what new models should be added. Relevant Django documentation: Models
In order to allow the user to interface with the database, there are input and search forms based on the models (in As of this semester, the input forms require certain parameters that are measurable and critical to the fabrication process, as well as prefilled default values for standardized parameters in our primary NMOS process. The search forms do not have any required fields, since we should be able to search process data for every chip and parameter value. This semester, the search forms were also updated with input fields that would provide users with the ability to perform searches given a specified range of values. The labels to these forms were also refined to be more readable and include units to aid in correct input. Relevant Django documentation: Forms based on models
User Interface
We identified that a non-intuitive workflow and lack of visual cohesion were affecting the usability of our website. One major change was the inclusion of “chip pages” that show every process done to a chip and eventually will allow for edits to the data associated with it. Previously, the only way to see that data was to search the database by chip number. This process was not intuitive because users are usually working with a single chip at a time, so it made more sense to have a centralized location to view that relevant information.
A change for the search page was the use of horizontal tables to display data for a process. In other words, for a single entry, each column represents a certain field in that entry, and each row is a distinct entry (previously, the first column was the field name, the second column was the value, and additional fields for a given entry were displayed in their own row). The horizontal table display makes it much easier for users to distinguish between different entries for chip information and process parameters. Furthermore, we modified the search page to display all filter categories to the user under an umbrella “Advanced Search” dropdown. This allows the user to see all the search options at once instead of having to submit a process. Lastly, to make it easier for users to interpret the data that is presented to them in the search page, we added functionality that allows users to group the search results either by the process types they have selected, or by the chip number.
The chip creation page will also have the option to use a “chip profile” or “chip default” that prefills parameter values associated with an established process, such as the NMOS process we use for class labs.
An important addition to the Patterning process in particular is the ability to add multiple patterns in the same step and click on a gray rectangle to approximately note the location of that pattern. This way, it is easier to record the application of multiple patterns at the same time as well as locate a specific pattern when returning to the chip.
Main Controller
The different web pages in our website are served by their own controller functions which are located in We designed the backend architecture to have a separate function that serves each unique web page. This design allows us to modularize our backend logic and isolate functionality to those specific pages so that they can be as customizable as possible. If similar logic is used across different web pages, we put this logic in helper functions to avoid having duplicated code. The different controller functions for each page serve the main functionality of our website. Routes between the addresses to these pages and the functions that serve them are specified in The controller links the different HTML pages together, performs the database operations, and interfaces with the backend. It determines what form to display based on what process the user selected, saves the form data and passes it to the database after cleaning, displays search queries by the user, and renders the web pages.
Main Controller: Querying Data
As our website serves to display database entries to our users, a crucial functionality is querying data (related to process parameters and chip information) and rendering it on the page. These are the different pages where data querying is critical:
Search Page
Central Chip Page
Chip Page (for a single chip)
When a user performs a search for data, they can enter specific filters to narrow down their results. These filters are passed to our controller when the user fills out a search form filled with parameter values. In our controller, we use Django’s Q() objects from their database querying library to create and execute SQL queries. This simplifies the process of extracting data from our database since we just need to create a Q() object using the filters specified by the user then apply the filter on our models. This querying is done in the function filter_form(). Data querying is one of the most computationally intensive components of our database; hence, it can be considered as a bottleneck. Querying data for a single model (i.e. process type, user profile, etc.) has a worst case complexity of O(M), where M represents the number of rows that exist for a particular model in our database (the total number of unique entries of that model stored in our database). In the search page, the user is able to conduct a search to retrieve data from multiple process types. In this case, the worst case complexity for the search is O(P*M), where P represents the number of different processes the user has selected, and M represents the number of rows that exist for a particular model in our database.
The code in is responsible for passing the data from the query result to the html files so that they can be displayed on the web page. There is an important detail that developers should take note of when implementing any functions that return queried results to users. We have implemented a specific data format to pass to the html page in order to standardize the design of the html pages and controller function outputs. When an html page is rendered, provides it a context, which contains data (variables) that are required by or will be displayed in the html page. The html page expects the queried data provided in the context to be an array of arrays of dictionaries. Since Django’s querying library returns the queried data to us in the form of a QuerySet, we must convert the QuerySet into an array of dictionaries using Django’s model_to_dict() function found in their forms.models library. Each dictionary represents a single entry in the database. The keys correspond to the column names, which map to the corresponding value for that column. Each array of dictionaries within the outer array corresponds to a grouping of data. This enables us to group data based on the process types so that they can be displayed on the page with the correct column headers. This data structure is depicted below.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! System architecture for interfacing with tools (the spincoater for now) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SEE this link for better formatting:
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