Jessica Wen
Weekly Update Page :)
Last updated
Weekly Update Page :)
Last updated
Worked on Figma this week.
Updated dashboard design: side menu has a button to take you to all chips, processes, and machines. It also has a list of draft processes/steps. Table of draft processes/steps has been added because people might have processes that they want to use for their own convenience but aren't likely to be useful more widely.
Clicking the 'Processes' button takes you to the Processes and Steps library: would ideally like another page to detail each step/process, but for now it is sufficient to keep it as a list.
'Create New Step' takes you to a page where you can create a new step with different parameters. These new steps would ideally be approved by an admin before it gets added to the list.
There should be some control over the types of data that can be entered for the different type of parameters; if a cell is empty, then it is empty; if it has a line through it, then that column is not a valid property of that parameter. "Name" is always filled out, either with a manually entered name (in black) or it is copied over from "Parameter type" (in purple).
'Create New Process' takes you to the Create New Process page, where you can build a new process from other previously-created processes or steps. The "Skippable?" toggle would allow for the user to skip that section of the process depending on the run. Defaults can be edited again on this page, but will be specific to the New Process. Again, these new processes would ideally be approved by an admin before it gets added to the list.
I think I forgot to request a review for my previous updates, so I've written them up to the best of my ability below.
Good work! I am curious to see if we can make something simpler in the "new step" category, since it does not have to be a table with crossed out columns :)
Other than that, I think I get the idea overall, and it does make sense to have all these steps visible on the left hand side. I think the insight u put in shows thru, with the "In Development" marker, really good specific details. I wonder if it's a dropdown or a status selection.
Overall nice to see this progressing, let's discuss this week in class. Also let me know if you want to have a demo, I mentioned this to Ridge as well but either of you can reach out to me whenever you would like to demo, we can have you up there right before lecture and I think the class would find your work to be very cool!
Database structure version 2: after getting feedback from TAs and implementing the structure for processes. Got feedback on the naming - process > step and umbrella_process > process in v3.
Feedback from TAs:
Jay Kunselman (Sputtering, any chemical processes like deposition or cmos process)
Fabublox might be overspecific
Plasma etcher/chamber sputtering might be the same
We can create our own custom blox on Fabublox
Ask if we can get CSV files
Cesely (cmos process specifically, should also be knowledgeable on most chemical processes)
Add batching feature to every run
Al etch
Etch depth doesn't need to be input - can be calculated
Make pictures more accessible and allow uploading multiple pics
PR peeling and Al peeling can be demonstrated through picture
In the future be able to batch
Al evaporation
Make deposition rate not required - specify that it's the max observed deposition rate
Pressure before should be required, not after
QCM input parameter - during test rather than characterisation
Multiple chips in evap run - batching for quality control
Take out T as a required parameter
Current setting should be 45 A default
Mins/hours not seconds
Chemicals: B154 - boron; P504 - phosphorus, nothing (drive-in diffusion, oxide growth - estimate/calculate when no glass), spin-on glass
Picture (spin-on glass has different colours for film depths)
Glass deposition
Cleaning is optional - could use plasma clean
Number of drops is optional - can remove
Keep: prebake but make skippable (700B, P504 only, not B154); glass type; humidity; speed; duration
Bake - diffusion time and diffusion temperature; hot plate or tube
Layer thickness on back - calculate (might characterise and input in the future)
Cracking is important - will have particles
Acetone + IPA
Chemicals, what machine was used
Plasma clean
RCA clean - if the sputterer works, then we don't need this
Spin coating
Prespin vs not; HMDS
Photoresist - bake
Underlying material - see history, should auto-populate/select from history
Cleaning - be its own step
HMDS - optional -> yes/no then include the parameters
Remove pre-bake - only for acetone + IPA cleaning step
Exposure pattern etc. downwards move to photolithography
Patterning quality etc - remove/move to characterisation
HF oxide etch
Calculate HF etch depth from rate and duration (some literature has this) -> should be expected depth, then in the future compare to measured depth
Agitation methods as a parameter (stirrer, etc.)
Plasma etch
important for NMOS - check parameters with Jay
Plasma clean; gas 1 type, gas 1 flow, gas 2 type, gas 2 flow, etc.
Estimate depth etc.
Remove characterisation steps - separate; for now use binary worked/not worked?
Chip creation
P-type, n-type, undoped
remove resistivity/sheet resistance
Ways to auto-upload pictures to the database?
KOH - not used/useful
flag for in-development
Nickel plating
Surface treatment
Open notes for now
Bath 1, bath 2 - duration, composition, T, maybe other things
Dry in between/other treatments
Electroless plating
Bath composition/type - NickelX
Duration (auto-load)
Agitation - none, stir bar, sonicator
Surfactant - yes/no, type
Bath volume (not constant)
Jessica Wu and Cal (thermal evaporation of aluminium)
Bake - 60 seconds default
Joel Gonzalez (lithostepper)
Type of photoresist
AZP4210, CSER62?
add new photoresists and come up as an option
HMDS - generalised and optional
Exposure duration
Give the dose in the future
Include the developer that's used
AZ400K now, diluted with DI water 3:1
Option for dilution
Idea from FOM (facility online manager) for nanofab users:
Have it mobile-friendly
Booking slots on a calendar
Vishwesh (ALD)
Gas flow rate, pressure in chamber, T of both precursors, T of delivery line -> fixed during run
T of substrate holder
Pulse & purge time for each precursor -> don't change during the run
Number of cycles
Indium to tin ratio (ITO) - don't really use anything else. Maybe plasma -> bar?
Unlikely to change
Deposition rate and thickness -> can calculate after, measure deposition rate during the process?
Anoushka (DIY Tube Furnace)
Not much feedback
Database structure version 1: didn't implement process structure yet
Created this semester's Project Proposal and plan for improving the process database. Summary of the key deliverables by week:
Database schema and data model documentation
Revised and approved design documentation
UI/UX design documents and wireframes
Working frontend prototype
Working backend prototype
Integrated system with core features
Advanced features implementation
Complete documentation package
Test reports and security audit results
Deployed system with trained users