Alex Echols
Weekly Updates for Alex Echols (ALD Project)
Last updated
Weekly Updates for Alex Echols (ALD Project)
Last updated
Constructed** substrate heater and began uniformity characterization
** The hardware used (i.e. screws, nuts, washers) is not the same as those that will be used for the final assembly, but it should not make a significant difference for the tests that we are doing
I was able to cut the top and bottom sheets for the substrate heater on the Techspark waterjet, and complete all of the required post-processing steps. By Thursday (2/6) I was able to begin testing on the fully assembled substrate heater.
As detailed in my project proposal, temperature readings are being taken on 0.5" intervals across the heater surface. I am also measuring the temperature at the "main" thermocouple (the one which will be in the final assembly) as a point of comparison. Due to the length of the testing, I was not able to do more than one run, but this week I will continue this testing and hopefully finish by Friday. Due to long test times, I have slightly revised my testing procedure from that in the project proposal:
Draw a 0.5" grid on the heater surface, using the center of the disk as the origin. Ideally this grid lines up with the direction of the heating wire "zig-zags".
Ensure that the datalogger is working for all four probes. My initial test plan involved an arduino being used for datalogging, but my tests are being conducted using a THE-373 thermometer for simplicity.
Tape 3 of the thermocouples to points on the grid and record their positions (#4 is the center of the grid). Kapton tape or a similarly rated adhesive should be used. Electrical tape is pictured above and is not suitable.
Turn on datalogging and power supply (7V, constant voltage mode) for 20 minutes. The heater will reach approximately 100C by this time, which is lower than our operating temperatures, but should be suitable to notice any differences in the heating curves over time.
Turn off the power supply and allow the heater to cool down to room temperature. This will take approximately 50 minutes.
Move thermocouples to a new location and test again. Due to the long duration of each test trial (~70 minutes), it is likely not advisable to probe at every single point on the surface of the heater. 1-2 trails per quadrant should be sufficient to notice any problem areas, assuming that the thermocouples are evenly spaced.
This is still WIP, but my current notes are:
Temperatures at each probe point should be compared to the center thermocouple. This is a better choice than comparing to mean temperature or similar because we will eventually be using the thermocouple at the center of the heater as the sole point of measurement, so the uniformity matters relative to that point.
It is important to remember that K-type thermocouples (used here) have an accuracy of ±2.2 C, so any deviations within that range are not reason for concern. At the maximum operating temperature of our heater (600 C), this goes up to ±4.5 C
Researched passthroughs for QCM and substrate heater
The substrate heater requires lines for power and the center thermocouple. We have two primary options for these needs, either use two seperate feedthroughs for power and the thermocouples or use a single power + thermocouple feedthrough. Upon examining prices, it is apparent that it is much more economical to purchase a single power + thermocouple feedthrough, and many vendors sell feedthroughs which are rated for our power needs.
Ships Now
Kurt J. Lesker
KJLC will contact you
MDC Precision
6 weeks
On Request (I emailed but have not received a response)
My recommendation for our project is to order from IdealVac, simply due to lead times. The other products on this list should be equivalent and could be ordered by another fab looking to replicate our device. Since we are concerned with getting the chamber working by spring break, purchasing the only option which we know can ship now makes the most sense to me.
I am in the process of speaking to Matt about options for this sensor. Options for mounts/passthroughs are summarized here.
While talking to Matt, we discussed the idea of either directly connecting a CF 2.75" flange to the chamber, or using a KF40 to CF 2.75" adapter to allow the sensor mounts to connect to the chamber. I did some quick cost analysis and it seems that both options are roughly price equivalent.
CF on Chamber (No Adapter) | Total Cost (Est.): $1,329.47
IdealVac 9x9 Plate (CF 2.75)
Aflas Sheet
Gasket Cutter
Sensor/Passthrough Assembly
KF on Chamber (Adapter) | Total Cost (Est.): $1,396.90
IdealVac 9x9 Plate (KF40)
KF40 Centering Ring
KF40 Bulkead Clamp
KF40 to CF 2.75 Adapter
Copper Gasket
Sensor/Passthrough Assembly
Not exactly a roadblock, but the Boron Nitride disks cracked during the initial testing of the heater. I will be looking into potential causes for this and potentially thinking of other options
The heater testing takes much longer than I expected per trial, but I have planned around this as mentioned above. I will take measurements on a limited subset of points rather than all (49) points on the grid
Finish substrate heater uniformity testing and gather/analyze data
Finalize feedthrough plans and order them ASAP. Matt is currently not responding to my email, but I will follow up with him on Tuesday if he has not responded by then
Look into the Boron Nitride cracking
Created CAD of the ALD chamber and the chamber to pump line
Sourced parts for the chamber to pump line from IdealVac
KF-25 Hinge Clamp
KF-25 Centering Ring
KF-25 90 Degree Elbow
Updated CAD of substrate heater
Designed substrate heater mount
The substrate heater (pictured below) is very similar to the one which was designed during the F-2024 semester. The primary differences in the heater itself are:
Countersink the holes in the upper plate to accommodate a #6-32 flat head screw. The plate thickness of 0.1" will just allow the bolts with a head height of 0.097" to fit without interfering with any wafers that may be placed on the surface
Modify the bottom plate to add 3 slots, spaced 60 degrees radially apart, which are used from alignment.
In addition to the substrate heater modifications, a mounting bracket was designed, which will hold the substrate heater into the chamber. In order to minimize thermal conduction paths between the heater and the chamber walls, 3 silicon nitride balls will be used for alignment. This material should be compatible with our precursors, and has a thermal conductivity of approximately 20% of the aluminum plates. The mounting bracket has 3 holes which locate the balls, which then line up with the slots in the heater plate. Taking inspiration from the concept of exact constraint design, the balls contact the heater at exactly 6 points, constraining the heater in 6 DOF, and making removal easy in the event that the heater needs to be serviced. Additionally, the very low contact area of the lower heater plate with the balls, and the balls with the mounting bracket should further limit heat transfer by conduction, which is the primary vector that we are worried about.
Sourced parts for substrate heater and mounting assembly
#6-32 Flat Head Screw
McMaster (90585A215)
Secures heater assembly**
#6-32 Hex Nut
McMaster (91841A007)
Secures heater assembly**
#6 Lock Washer
McMaster (92146A540)
Secures heater assembly**
Heater Top Plate
Could make in Techspark (if waterjet is working)
Heater Bottom Plate
Could make in Techspark (if waterjet is working)
#8-32 Standoff
McMaster (91115A843)
Mounting Bracket Stability
#8-32 Socket Head Screw
McMaster (92196A192)
Mounting Bracket Stability**
SiN Balls
McMaster (9576K46)
Mounting Plate
I would recommend getting this made externally, as SendCutSend can bend the part for us
1/4-20 Socket Head Screw
McMaster (92196A537)
Mounting Bracket Mounting**
** This item can almost definitely be sourced cheaper individually (i.e. from BoltDepot or similar), but it comes down to a question of lead times at some point
This is currently in beginning stages, but some basic cad of a simple chamber stand has been made
This needs to be modified slightly from the simple box design to avoid some collisions with the line to the vacuum chamber
No major roadblocks to report
Review substrate heater design with project leads
If approved, finalize sourcing and order parts
Finalize design for chamber stand and source parts
Time permitting, review the design and order parts
Once design work is finished on the substrate heater and parts are being ordered, begin research on creating Aflas O-Rings from the cording
Some preliminary googling indicates that a solvent weld with acetone might be possible, but I feel somewhat skeptical of the sealing quality of these O-Rings and feel that it's important to figure out how possible this sealing method is ASAP
Created experimental design for profiling substrate heater
Began updating 3D CAD of the substrate heater and ALD chamber
Reviewed literature on material compatibility with precursor materials (for heater parts)
Drafted and submitted semester project proposal
No major roadblocks to report
Continue to work on CAD of the chamber assembly
Preliminary designs for the entire heater stack, including chamber mounting by EOW
Begin research on compatible tubing and passthroughs
Create plan for making Aflas O-Rings from cording
Reviewed documentation from the Fall 2024 semester
Had initial group meeting with ALD team to delegate roles and discuss next steps
Began planning for ALD chamber passthroughs and substrate heater thermal characterization
No major roadblocks to report
Review literature on material compatibility with precursor chemicals and vacuum design
Detail experimental procedure for substrate heater characterization
Understand the relationship between input voltage/current and output temperature/temperature rate
Ensure heater uniformity
Draft project proposal