Melinda Chen
Update 0
Read through sputtering documentation and project primers
Read through required textbook chapters and 'Filling in the Gaps' resources
Met with project partner Katie to go through project goals and potential avenues forward
Walked through state of current sputter chamber with team leads
No major blocks so far
Literature review of current characterization techniques
Meet with Katie to draft project proposal and timeline
Update 1 (1/19-1/26)
Drafted project proposal and timeline
Researched thin film characterization techniques
Submitted requests for training on XRR (with Professor Sokalski) and AFM
Compiled existing sputtering chamber setups from online sources into spreadsheet
Performed sputtering trials using Aluminum target + practiced tuning pressure using Argon flow rate and vacuum strength to maintain stable plasma
Priority is figuring out why the sputtering current is so low + how to tune sputtering parameters to improve power
Get trained on XRR next Thursday
Continue literature review
Sputtering trials with Aluminum target --> Try sparking using high flow rate to create dense plasma then lowering pressure to increase amount of sputtered particles that reach the substrate
Update 2 (1/20-2/2)
Met with Professor Sokalski to discuss XRR
Assisted chamber modifications for RF sputtering
RF Sputtering trial with Aluminum target
learned how to use RF sputtering equipment and fundamentals behind impedance matching
Chamber bias literature review
Completed AFM online training and reached out to MCF contact for in-person training
Main roadblock is still sputtering chamber not working - will continue to look into specific reasons why target seems completely unscathed after a few hours of being near plasma
Some of the RF sputtering electronics are cooked
AFM in-person training
Continue sputtering chamber debugging - both literature review and in-person tests
Ideally also XRR in-person training, depends on how fast MCF contact responds.
Last updated