Week 8 Update
Week 8 Update (3/16)
Last updated
Week 8 Update (3/16)
Last updated
What was accomplished:
assembled stepper motor electronics setup, and updated arduino code so that it would revolve precisely ONCE(should work on the final assembly, since we are using the same stepper motor) WITH a button setup
re-designed spin coater CAD on onshape
planned out a roadmap on how to assemble electronics(have a single arduino mega controlling everything, or find a way to "link" smaller microcontrollers together)
The cable that needs to be used is micro usb, and there are no cables that I could find that directly connect onto my labtop(only has C cable connections, not sure if there is a micro usb -> usb c cable)
The stepper motor requires a different voltage from the microcontroller, so either a second power supply is needed for the microcontroller, or a voltage de-regulator(12v to 5v) is required in the electronics setup
Once syringe arrives, take measurements of it, before modifying 3d printed parts in previous cad according to those measurements, and begin testing